Invited Talk – Social Psychology Talk Series @University of Kent

25th March, 2022, Social Psychology Talk Series at School of Psychology, University of Kent Moral Emotions Communicate Aggressions in Moral Punishment Punishment typically follows from other-condemning moral emotions. Several studies indicated that emotions motivate punishment, with some suggesting that punishment expresses moral emotions, especially anger and moral disgust. Although some work referred to “outrage” as […]

New Article Online:

What Motivates Direct and Indirect Punishment?

What Motivates Direct and Indirect Punishment? Extending the “Intuitive Retributivism” Hypothesis Catherine Molho, Mathias Twardawski, Lei Fan Published on Zeitschrift für Psychologie Doi: Abstract Punishment represents a key mechanism to deter norm violations and is motivated by retribution and/or general deterrence. Retribution-motivated punishment is tailored to offense severity, whereas deterrence-motivated punishment is tailored to […]

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Re-evaluating the relationship between pathogen avoidance and preferences for facial symmetry and sexual dimorphism

Re-evaluating the relationship between pathogen avoidance and preferences for facial symmetry and sexual dimorphism: A registered report Joshua M. Tybur, Lei Fan, Benedict C. Jones, Iris J. Holzleitner, Anthony J. Lee, Lisa M. DeBruine Published on Evolution and Human Behavior Doi: Abstract Over the past decade, a small literature has tested how trait-level pathogen-avoidance […]

Conference Talk I – CBEN 2021

What motivates direct and indirect punishment? Extending the ‘intuitive retributivism’ hypothesis Catherine Molho, Mathias Twardawski, & Lei Fan In human societies, moral offenses are often met with punishment. Punishers may be motivated by retribution—i.e., wanting to repay the harm done—and/or general deterrence—i.e., wanting to prevent onlookers from committing similar offenses in the future. Punishment motivated […]